The Well

Welcome to Well of Life Church.  We are celebrating 20 years in Placentia and hope you will join us by jumping into The Well.   We are a small community seeking authentic relationship with God that not only transforms lives, but gives life.  Jesus said "if you knew who you were speaking to you, then you would have asked Him for a drink and He would have given you living water so that you would never be thirsty again."  The Word of God is not merely an ancient book, but a living, breathing, active Word.  The bible says that "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."  Come and get filled up with the Word and be filled to over flowing with a Well that will not run dry, know God and never thirst again.


Living Forever Today


Jesus invites us to pray "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  Too often we question how to get into heaven, Jesus wants heaven to get into us.  
