The Well

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The Well.

Join us at our 11 am morning service.




We see ourselves as part of the body of Christ here in Placentia. We are very blessed to fellowship and work together with several other ministries here in town.  Come join us as we live out our faith here in Placentia.  We serve at Bridges a local  homeless shelter along with a few other homeless communities around town.   We also work with those who have been incarcerated and those in trouble.  Sometimes our families and friends can let us down, but God in His wisdom calls us to care for the widows and orphans if we are to have a true religion.  Our connection with God must be more then encouraging feelings, but a faith that is lived out in action.  Come find out how you can serve with us here at The Well.


Partnering with local non-profit LOT318, Capt. Dave's Dolphin & Whale Safari and local schools we are hosting Teen Horizons here at The Well. These classes are geared to help expand the career paths of those who may not have access to exposure in Marine Biology.   This pilot program is geared towards middle schoolers. 


Come visit with us Wed evenings starting at 6pm to Pray.  We have a small community bible study at 7pm. We strive to build a healthy community of authentic Christians who seek to walk out their faith in Jesus.


We love our community, we love Placentia and we love the Lord. 
